Dreaming about your next caramel sweet treat before bed? With an extra boost of protein, this sleepy mug cake will be the perfect little something to complete your night. Sleepy Protein Caramel Mug CakeMakes: 1 Ingredients 3 tbsp Plain Flour 1 tbsp Cacao Powder...
Craving for a sweet and cool summer beverage before bed? 👀 How about a Choc-caramel Frappé to end your night on a delicious note! Choc Caramel FrappéServes: 1 Ingredients:2 scoops Choc Caramel Night Night Hot Chocolate200ml Almond milk (or milk of...
Did someone say another delicious Night Night Hot Choc recipe? You got that right! This delicious recipe is by our amazing friend @the_foodie_kitchen Chocolate Batter 1 cup of tahini - stirred well 2 eggs 1/2 cup maple syrup 1 tsp...